TABLE OF CONTENTS to the workbook:
Using Proportion to Rediscover our World

i. A Note to the Reader

ii. Suggestions to the teacher

1. Ta dah: "Ratio and Proportion

2. Solving Proportions Made Easy

3. If the Earth Were a BB, How Big Would the Sun be?

4. Making a Model of our Solar System

5. Making Sense out of Crazy Measurements

6. Completing the Model

7. How Long is a Million Dollars? A Billion?

8. A Far Out Way to Measure the Stars

9. How Long Would it Take to Count to a Million? A Billion?

10. Making those Pesky Percent Problems Easier

11. Still Trying to Make 'em Easier

12. How to be You Own Money Machine

13. Shopping for the Best Buy

14. 30% is Failing in School, but Great in Baseball.

15. If Slot Cars were Real...

16. Experiments with Pulse Rates

17. Magic Triangles

18. How Tall is your School Flagpole?

19. How to Lift Ten Times Your Weight

20. Making a Scale Model of Your Room

21. How Much of Your Life do You Spend Sleeping, etc.?

22. Scaling the U.S. Cities (in development)

APPENDICES: (Teaching Notes, Quizzes, Answer Keys, Student Record Sheet , Certificate, etc.) Email me if you are interested as a teacher in testing this material: )




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