Autobiographical Sketch of Paul Page

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Dec. 2013 (updated from May 2006) -- Well, this is strange: writing an autobiog and sending it to all of you after so many years. But I agree that there was a unique bond we all had during those years that has (and apparently continues to) shape our lives in many ways.

In brief, here's my life so far: I worked in the civil rights field in SF for a few years after college. Teddie (Theodora) and I married in 1971 and we moved to San Jose where we still live today. I have two grown daughters and five grandchildren. I spent 33 years as music director at St. Lucy church in Campbell; then I took a few years off; now I accompany the choir and play another mass at St. Mary’s in Los Gatos. I've composed and published quite a bit of choral music and continue to write today, though my concentration these days is primarily on instrumental music. The digital age has me fiddling with lots of electronic gear that I don't really understand, and I am recording and making CDs of my things. I have five CDs up on iTunes. Check them out if you are interested.

My major life's work was that of a high school teacher for 36 years teaching music, journalism, and English at Saratoga High School in Saratoga. It was a wonderful career where I've had the opportunity to work in theatre (always one of my great loves), direct choral and orchestral groups, organize singing tours to Europe (on 7 occasions), produce yearbooks and newspapers, and correct so many student essays that I now wear bifocals. (All those nights reading by flashlight in my closet flash before my eyes as I write this!) I also coached swimming for a few years and still get in a mile myself every morning. In May 2013 I fulfilled a life-long desire to swim from Alcatraz to Aquatic Park in S.F. I retired from teaching in 2008 now spending my time composing, looking after three of my five grandchildren who live near us, and trying (with Joe’s help) to improve my sad golf game.  My grandchildren are beginning to fill up portions of my life I had left behind years ago: ballet lessons, T-ball, basketball, soccer, swimming. I sometimes feel I have had a charmed life. Theodora (Teddie) —and if you are translating from Greek, her name is comprised of two Greek words: Theos (God) and dorion (gift)—and I have been married 42 years and continue to be amazed at our good fortune in finding each other. And though I haven't seen or heard from most of you for over 40 years, I still hold wonderful memories of the years we shared when we were young. In retrospect, I hope the appellation you accorded me so long ago has played itself out well in the lives of those I've met and taught over all these years more so than for my sure-to-one-day-be-dwindling physical stature. Peace. –Paul


PaulPaul and his wife, Teddie (Theodora)  have been married for 42 years. 


Note: Paul just released a CD which is receiving rave reviews. You may want to check out his si
te at,  and listen to some of his beautiful music. --Joe   Last updated: 1/19/11

page.organAN OLD FRIEND FOUND AGAIN:  No doubt you remember all those liturgies when I played the organ for all of us so long ago. Today I went up to St. Patrick's Seminary to play the old Austin organ (moved from St. Joe's in 1991 following the Loma Prieta earthquake), the instrument I learned on 50 years ago and haven't played in more than 30. Needless to say, it was quite a thrilling experience to play and to hear this marvelous Austin Organ once again, and I plan to make more frequent visits just to play it again and again. My wife, Teddie, took some video/audio and some still shots, so I thought I would send them along to you just in case you might want to include them somewhere on your seminary site. Teddie wants to try the filming again soon, something perhaps a little more artistic and that shows the console off, etc., but for now, this will have to do. I hope you enjoy hearing this instrument once again. To my ears, it sounds as fine today as it did in 1961 when I first heard.     --submitted JUNE 17, 2011

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paul visiting jack
The pic of Jack O. and me was taken in Feb. 2006 in Catonsville, MD  at St. Charles Villa, the Sulpician Retirement Center. Jack is now 86 and doing well, though arthritis has severely curtailed his  piano  playing.  (Click on the photo above  to enlarge.)

Paul, Jack, and Teddy this year (2008) at St. Charles.
Jack is 89 years old.  We should all be so lucky to have our mentors still alive and our protégés to visit us.